The COVID Future survey is a panel survey to understand how people expect to change their behavior after COVID-19 is no longer a threat, in areas such as working from home, air travel, and daily travel. The survey was deployed to a nationally-representative sample of approximately 8000 respondents in summer 2020, and follow-up surveys are ongoing.
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1 to 4 of 4 Results
May 13, 2022
Salon, Deborah; Bhagat-Conway, Matthew; Baker, Denise da Silva; Chauhan, Rishabh; Shamshiripour, Ali; Rahimi, Ehsan; Mirtich, Laura; Khoeini, Sara; Mohammadian, Kouros; Derrible, Sybil; Pendyala, Ram, 2022, "COVID Future Wave 1 Survey Data v1.1.0",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:E8fS9TOnRnxFl3V2TaS5kQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the product of the first wave of a nationwide longitudinal survey collecting information about travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions cover a wide range of topics including commuting, daily trav...
May 13, 2022
Salon, Deborah; Bhagat-Conway, Matthew Wigginton; Chauhan, Rishabh; Magassy, Tassio; Mirtich, Laura; Rahimi, Ehsan; Costello, Adam; Derrible, Sybil; Mohammadian, Kouros; Pendyala, Ram, 2022, "COVID Future Wave 3 Survey Data v1.1.0",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:UhN3OzG510Ex3Gsp5qBvMg== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the product of the third wave of a nationwide longitudinal survey collecting information about travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions cover a wide range of topics including commuting, daily trav...
May 13, 2022
Salon, Deborah; Bhagat-Conway, Matthew Wigginton; Baker, Denise da Silva; Chauhan, Rishabh; Mirtich, Laura; Rahimi, Ehsan; Magassy, Tassio; Derrible, Sybil; Mohammadian, Kouros; Pendyala, Ram, 2022, "COVID Future Wave 2 Survey Data v1.1.0",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:n2icATojhLhqFzVSSANXMg== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the product of the second wave of a nationwide longitudinal survey collecting information about travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions cover a wide range of topics including commuting, daily tra...
Mar 29, 2021
Salon, Deborah; Conway, Matthew Wigginton; Capasso da Silva, Denise; Chauhan, Rishabh; Shamshiripour, Ali; Rahimi, Ehsan; Mirtich, Laura; Khoeini, Sara; Mohammadian, Kouros; Derrible, Sybil; Pendyala, Ram, 2021, "COVID Future Wave 1 Survey Data v1.0.0",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:Z61cxFCm14zzNxiO4fCbfA== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the product of the first wave of a nationwide longitudinal survey collecting information about travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions cover a wide range of topics including commuting, daily trav...
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