The SOCIAL (Study of Circuits in Adolescent Life) Neurobiology lab is led by Dr. Jessica Verpeut and focuses on cerebellar circuits involved in social and flexible behavior in preclinical rodent models. We are interested in understanding sensitive periods of neural development and how brain pathways encode behavior. This collection includes work addressing neural structure maturation, long-distance neural circuits, cognitive and social behavior, manipulation of neural activity using chemogenetics and optogenetics, as well as machine learning to understand freely moving behavior in various species.
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Nov 26, 2024
Verpeut, Jessica; Lyle, Tristan, 2024, "Replication Data for: Adolescent cerebellar nuclei manipulation alters reversal learning and perineuronal net intensity independently in male and female mice",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:uEvuMtNJi8/+LfvDpaNNAw== [fileUNF]
Replication data for: Adolescent cerebellar nuclei manipulation alters reversal learning and perineuronal net intensity independently in male and female mice This dataset supports Adolescent cerebellar nuclei manipulation alters reversal learning and perineuronal net intensity in...
Jun 13, 2024
Verpeut, Jessica; Truong, Vincent; Moore, John E.; Ricoy, Ulises M., 2024, "Low-Cost Approaches in Neuroscience to Teach Machine Learning Using a Cockroach Model",, ASU Library Research Data Repository, V1
Dataset of manuscript, SLEAPing with cockroaches: low-cost approaches to teaching machine learning in neuroscience.
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